X-ray diffractometer

Description of the instrument

Our X-ray diffractometer, D8 Advance, is equipped with a copper (Cu) source. It allows the identification and quantification of the present phases, the evaluation of the crystallographic texture, the determination of the grain size and the analysis of thin layers. The device can be equipped with several types of analysis station: standard sample holder, 9-position auto-sampler (FLIP-STICK), XYZ stage (software controlled), high temperature furnace (HTK 1200N).

Model : Bruker, D8 Advance
Room : PK-2370

User Fees

Academic rates Industrial rates
$15.25/h $152.50/h

Add $47.50/h if the operations are carried out by an operator. Add 15% of administrative costs if industrial user.

Terms of use

For external users, please communicate imperatively with Gwenaël Chamoulaud or Galyna Shul.

For internal users, all users must undergo training with Gwenaël Chamoulaud or Galyna Shul before using this equipment.


To make an online reservation, please click on the following link.