Steady-state spectrofluorimeter

Description of the instrument

The QuantaMaster™ 400 UV/VIS spectrofluorimeter is a fluorimeter dedicated to research which allows measurements to be made in steady state (based on intensity), designed for applications requiring sensitivity (detection limit 460 atomolar) and performance (signal to noise ratio: 10,000:1 or better) high. This spectro-spectrofluorimeter allows measurements to be made in steady state, fluorescence (lifetime) and phosphorescence.

Model : Photon Technology International, QuantaMaster 40
Room : CB-3515

User Fees

Academic rates Industrial rates
$3.75/h $37.50/h

Add $47.50/h if the operations are carried out by an operator. Add 15% of administrative costs if industrial user.

Terms of use

For external users, please communicate imperatively with Gwenaël Chamoulaud.

For internal users, all users must undergo training with Gwenaël Chamoulaud before using this equipment.

To make an online reservation, please click on the following link.