Atomic Force Microscope

Description of the instrument

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is a microscopy technique used to study the topography of a surface. For this a very fine point (2 to 20 nm at its end) scans the surface of the sample. Thanks to the detection of the interatomic forces between the tip and the sample, a 3D image of the surface is then reconstructed.

Multimode 8 is a very high resolution AFM dedicated to the study of small samples (DNA, RNA, proteins). It allows the use of several operating modes (contact, tapping, peak force tapping) in air and in liquid medium.

Model : Bruker, MultiMode8
Room : PK-2755

User Fees

Academic rates Industrial rates
$7.75/h $77.50/h

Add $47.50/h if the operations are carried out by an operator. Add 15% of administrative costs if industrial user. The price of AFM tips is not included.

Terms of use

For external users, please communicate imperatively with Gwenaël Chamoulaud.

For internal users, all users must undergo training with Gwenaël Chamoulaud before using this equipment.

To make an online reservation, please click on the following link.