FTIR-PM-IRRAS and in-situ instrument

A new acquisition

Professor Mohamed Siaj of the Department of Chemistry at UQAM and the NanoQAM research center have just made a new FTIR instrument available to various academic and industrial players in the fields of nanotechnology. This device can perform surface measurements using the FTIR-PM-IRRAS, FTIR-in-situ and FTR-ATR techniques.

Instrument properties

Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (IRRAS) is an analytical technique for characterizing adsorbed molecules or thin layers on metallic surfaces. In IRRAS experiments, the sample is studied with an optical geometry in reflection under grazing incidence. The sensitivity of this method is also improved by using the polarization modulation (PM) technique.

Thanks to its specular reflection module with variable angle VEEAX III (PIKE Technologies), this spectrometer can also perform FTIR measurements at grazing angles (Si crystal). This module is also equipped with an electrochemical cell (ATR ZnSe, Ge and Si crystals) which makes it possible to carry out measurements of in-situ surface modifications.

Finally, this spectrometer, thanks to its Smart ITX module, also makes it possible to perform FTIR-ATR (diamond crystal) type measurements.

Future uses

Anyone interested in using this FTIR-PM-IRASS instrument or interested in being trained on this instrument for autonomous use, must imperatively contact Mr. Gwenaël Chamoulaud beforehand.