600MHz NMR

Description of the instrument

This 600 MHz spectrometer allows the study of soluble or solid samples. It is equipped with the following probes :

  • Double resonance 5 mm wide band (study of soluble samples – temperatures up to 130 oC).
  • Triple resonance 5 mm 1H-13C-15N (soluble samples with emphasis on the study of proteins).
  • Triple resonance 4 mm 1H-13C-15N High resolution with Magic Angle Rotation (HRMAS) (viscous liquid samples and gels).
  • Double resonance 4 mm wide band with Magic Angle Rotation (νMAX = 15 kHz – X {31P-15N}) (solid samples).
  • Triple resonance 3.2 mm HXY e-free with Magic Angle Rotation (solid samples with high salt tolerance).

Our equipment provides access to a wide range of applications, from the study of biological solids to inorganic materials including the study of quadrupole nuclei.

Model : Bruker, Avance III HD
Room : CB-2175

User Fees

Fees Academic Industrial
From 9:00am to 8:00pm $15.00/h $142.50/h
From 8:00pm to 9:00am $7.50/h $142.50/h
Long term $7.50/h
Half day $750.00

Pricing has been established for the NMR spectrometer, for industrial and academic (including government) users. Add $45.00/h for additional technical support (sample and/or experiment preparation, data analysis, training). Add 15% administrative costs if industrial user. NMR tubes are provided on request.

Terms of use

For external users, please communicate imperatively with Alexandre Arnold.

For internal users, all users must undergo training with Alexandre Arnold before using this equipment.

To make an online reservation, please click on the following link.