NanoQAM is a group of researchers who develop and apply new functional materials meeting the essential needs of society related to nanoscience, self-assembly, green chemistry, energy and organic synthesis. Materials these days result of a long course of optimization of different parameters: structure, property, formatting, cost and performance. Our research program is therefore based on the close and desired collaboration of scientists from many disciplines (chemistry, physics, synthetic chemistry, characterization chemistry and microelectronic engineering) combining fundamental and applied interests. See below in detail the lines of research and researchers involved:
Nanoscience and shaping of materials
We want to unite the driving forces in this area to create a center of excellence and elucidate in a more in-depth way the mechanisms of formation of nanomaterials during their synthesis; exploit, emphasize, add properties and carry out tests and measures to control their behavior. The members of NanoQAM involved in this theme are actively looking for new nanomaterials to discover new properties and to meet pressing technological needs of society.
Molecular self-assembly and nanostructures
This thematic aims the spontaneous formation of organized structures of molecules or separate nanostructures. NanoQAM researchers use the phenomenon of self-assembly as a powerful tool to generate new molecular structures. With the new local probe microscopy platform and vibrational characterization techniques for surfaces, NanoQAM will be a world leader in self-assembly in the near future.
Green chemistry
This research axis aims to develop, perfect and characterize new materials resulting from a new and responsible approach to chemistry. This approach, which is described as green, will have less health and environmental impact. This thematic is complementary to the axis on alternative energy technologies.
This axis corresponds to research on nanomaterials offering possibilities for the production, storage and conversion of energy. The members of NanoQAM aim to improve the production of renewable energy, namely solar energy, electrochemical energy and hydrogen, which represent one of the markets with one of the highest growth rates in the world. This research axis is generally carried out in collaboration between members of the center and/or industrial partners.
Organic synthesis and natural macromolecules
This research axis aims to develop, perfect and characterize new organic materials as a result of a complete synthesis or via “click” chemistry for medical applications. The syntheses carried out by the members of NanoQAM generate products quickly and efficiently by assembling small units together by links with heteroatoms. This approach is directly inspired by the reactions involved in nature.
The future of nanomaterials
We are a multidisciplinary research center with expertise and scientific infrastructure dedicated to the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials and nanometric systems.