Star student-researcher March 2016
Quebec Research Fund
Farzaneh Mahvash Mohammad, co-direction student between UQAM and McGill (Pr Thomas Szkopek and Pr Mohamed Siaj) was elected Star student-researcher March 2016 by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT).
The award-winning publication is “Space-Charge Limited Transport in Large-Area Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride” which was published in Nano Letters , flight. 15, 2015.
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a material used as a dielectric substrate in nanoelectronic devices. Among the important discoveries of this study, let us note the possibility of injecting charge carriers in a monolayer of h-BN. The development of devices based on h-BN whose stable charge density would be compensated by dopants or a charge effect will allow the use of h-BN in optoelectronic ultraviolet devices. The study could also serve as a basis for possible work on the integration of h-BN in semiconductor heterostructures aimed at creating high-efficiency optoelectronic devices that use far ultraviolet radiation. The manufacture of such devices will have strong repercussions on various fields such as the development of household appliances or medical instruments.